Work While You Wait

“Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky?”

(Acts 1:11)

As the apostles watched Jesus ascend into the sky and eventually be swallowed up behind the clouds, the angels brought their gaze back down to earth.

Jesus will return someday, but until that day we must look down here for the work we must do.  The apostles could not idly spend their time waiting for Jesus’ return, they must labor for the Master that they might bear fruits for His name.

In like manner we work with anticipation.  We set our mind on the things above (see Col. 3:2), while putting our hands to work here below the sun.  The King returns someday and our unwavering conviction of that future event compels us to harvest while the opportunity is abundant.

Our hands refuse to bury the talents entrusted to us.  This is the call of Acts 1:11.  He will return, but when He does… will the Son of Man find faith upon the earth?

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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