“For the LORD humbled Judah because of Ahaz king of Israel, for he had brought about a lack of restraint in Judah and was very unfaithful to the LORD.” (2 Chronicles 28:19)
Lack of restraint humbled Judah, and it will do the same for any of us who fall for the trap of self-indulgence. Shirking our responsibilities has led to many of the great ills of society. When we allow our feelings to steer our lives instead of our sense of moral responsibility and duty, chaos is bound to ensue.
God made us to be moral creatures that decide based upon right and wrong… not easy and hard. When we are no longer restrained by our commitment to truth, we’ve become no better than beasts. What good is a man that refuses his moral duty to his neighbor and his God?
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites