“Throw it to the potter, that magnificent price at which I was valued by them.” So I took the thirty shekels of silver and threw them to the potter in the house of the LORD.
(Zechariah 11:13)
Thirty shekels of silver was the minimum price for a slave. It was also the “magnificent” price that Judas valued Jesus’ life at. It was also the price that Jesus’ enemies were willing to pay for His life. The only thing magnificent about this prophecy is the level of ignorance a lot of people had of who Jesus is and what He is truly worth.
Judas and the Jews aren’t the only ones who do this though. Every time we succumb to temptation, we show how quickly we can forget who He is and what He did for us. Jesus died for us while we were all His enemies (see Romans 5:10).
Sin is a value problem. We are tempted when we value the temporary more than the eternal. If you have time to surf the internet, but you don’t have enough time to pray regularly… you understand the probably with putting the wrong price tag on things. There are things in our lives that we put ‘priceless’ tags on, that we really should price-LESS.
It was corrupted priorities that led Judas to betray Jesus. Make sure to check your value system regularly. How much is He worth to you?
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites