We Need Jesus

“Then the anger of the LORD burned against Amaziah, and He sent him a prophet who said to him, ‘Why have you sought the gods of the people who have not delivered their own people from your hand?” ’ (2 Chronicles 25:15)

King Amaziah defeat Edom and then plundered their idols and made them his own.  The irony of worshipped that which you so easily defeated is highlighted in this verse by the prophet God sent to rebuke him.

Why do we worship inferior gods that are dead and incapable of saving us.  We worship money though we print it ourselves.  We worship nature, though we also recognize animals need our help to avoid extinction.  We worship beauty though we are the ones wielding the makeup and the Instagram filter.

We don’t need these gods.  We need the God that doesn’t need us, but loved us anyways.  We need Jesus.

“I am the way and the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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