“Now if a person sins… though he was unaware, still he is guilty and shall bear his punishment.” (Leviticus 5:17)
The beginning chapters of Leviticus are tedious for me to read. They are full of specifics about butchering of animals, how to remove the fat from the entrails, and where to pour the blood. I will admit, at times, finding my eyes glaze over while reading the specifics of how to make burnt offerings, guilt offerings, wave offerings, etc.
However, one detail clearly stands out in these early lessons regarding sin offerings. Sin offerings weren’t just made for willful sins; they were made for sins that sincere people committed ignorantly. God made it clear – unintentional sin is still sin, and the punishment must still be born.
Let us not make the mistake of assuming that good intentions somehow clear our record. A wrong is still objectively wrong no matter how innocently I committed it or where my heart was. Sin does not care what your motivation was – sin just is.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites
This Week’s Reading: Leviticus 1-9; Psalm 11; Proverbs 11
This year, #Biblebites are looking at lessons from the history of the Old Testament. Each week reads a section of history with a Psalm to meditate on and a dash of Proverbs to dwell upon. If you would like a copy of the reading schedule, you can view it here: https://eastlandchristians.org/news-events/2024-vision