“Now even the first covenant had regulations of divine worship…”
(Hebrews 9:1)
It is not in vogue to have regulations for ourselves. We are fond of regulating businesses, imposing environmental regulations, and regulating the behavior of others… but self-regulation is not particularly popular.
It is especially out of step with the culture to regulate worship. Shouldn’t our worship be free and “moved by the Spirit”? Aren’t we supposed to feel deeply and allow our emotions to launch toward God unfiltered and unrestrained?
Turns out that God is quite serious about regulating worship. When Hebrews 9:1 says, “even the first covenant” – implied is the idea that the second covenant, Christianity, would be even more likely to include regulations for worship. After all, our worship is “divine worship” and should match the desires of Him whom we are worshipping. If our worship isn’t regulated in some fashion, it is likely that the worship is more about what we desire to give than it is about what He desires to receive.
Is worship about God or about us? If it is about us, it is likely to be unregulated and displeasing. If it is about God, it should be well-grounded in biblical roots in order to be pleasing to Him who wrote the Bible. After all, Jesus’ disciples asked Him how to pray (see Luke 11:1). Jesus did not answer by saying, “However you want!” Instead, He taught them how to pray. Divine worship requires divine direction.
It may not be popular, but it is true nonetheless.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites