Too Much Compromise

So I answered them and said to them, “The God of heaven will give us success; therefore we His servants will arise and build, but you have no portion, right or memorial in Jerusalem.”

Nehemiah 2:20

Compromise and tolerance are virtues of this modern age, but what about when God tells us not to compromise and to be intolerant?  Nehemiah refused to compromise and let the pagans help them rebuild Jerusalem and he was very intolerant of their idolatrous behavior.  Nehemiah wasn’t willing to mix the world’s ways with God’s ways.

If Nehemiah is right (and the Scripture makes it clear he is), then there are lines in the sand we can’t cross.  We can’t compromise God’s ways just to make people feel more comfortable.  The idea that all churches are a part of Christ’s church regardless of what they teach, how they worship, or how they make disciples is very tolerant, but it isn’t Scriptural.  Ecumenicalism (the idea that all churches belong to the universal church of Christ) is a warm and fuzzy teaching, but has no grounding in Scripture.  Scripture teaches that there are many false teachers that we must watch out for (2 Peter 2:1) and that false prophets pretend to be true teachers of God all the time (Matthew 7:15).  Jesus spent more time denouncing false religion than He ever did addressing the irreligious masses.  Christ was very intolerant of false teaching.  Remember Him overturning the tables in the temple?

Don’t fall for the new faith of tolerance and compromise.  Truth is truth, no matter how few espouse it.  Lies are lies, no matter how many accept them.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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