The Vigilant Shepherd

“And when the Chief Shepherd appears…” (1 Peter 5:4a)

            Every eldership I have ever had the pleasure of working under has committed countless hours to the wellbeing of the congregation they are shepherding.  They spent time reflecting upon and shaping the direction of the local church, time in prayer is expended on behalf of individuals, and much counsel and effort to create an environment to heal the broken or hurting is expended.  Elderships, the godly ones, are active in mending wounds, planning for futures, and protecting the flock.

            If this is so with local shepherds, how much more so with the Chief Shepherd?!  When He appears, I suspect we will be amazed at His awareness of our individual lives and journeys.  He is not passively shepherding from some distant watchtower.  In fact, there is no such thing as passive shepherding – all shepherds must be active and vigilant.  Praise God for Jesus, the Shepherd who never sleeps!

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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