The Path Painfully Traveled

“for I will show him [Paul] how much he must suffer for My name’s sake.”

(Acts 9:16)

From the first day of Paul’s conversion, he was warned of the trials that he were ahead.  The apostle Paul would become the champion of the cause of Christ that he once persecuted, and that conversion would cost him everything.  He would be called a traitor by his countrymen, be stoned and left for dead, travel to foreign lands through perilous seas, and find himself the ambassador to the Gentiles he once abhorred as unclean.  When Paul became a Christian, everything changed.

Yet, he never looked back.  All that was lost was considered rubbish in the face of knowing Christ Jesus as his Lord.  Was it hard? Most definitely.  Was it scary? At times, he despaired to the point of death.  Was it worth it? Eternally so.

As Paul languished in prison, he would pen the words, “Rejoice, and again I say rejoice.”

May we set our faces towards Jesus with equal fervor. 

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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