“From now on, let no one cause trouble for me, for I bear on my body the brand-marks of Jesus.” (Galatians 6:17)
Paul may have started out as a pretty man, but he didn’t finish life that way. Paul’s journeys involved shipwrecks and exposure to the elements which would have callused his hands and leathered his skin. He endured beatings and at least one stoning that left him at death’s door. His back would have been crisscrossed with angry, ropy scars paired with pockmarks of irritation across his skin.
Paul’s body was weathered and branded, but brands denote ownership. The brand of a cattleman is seared into his herd, so all may know to whom those longhorns belong. Paul belonged to Jesus, and his body bore the marks of the Maker’s brand. Paul had no regrets for his life in service to Jesus and the marks upon his body simply told the story of a life aimed toward heaven’s gates.
Be not afraid to suffer for your Lord. Lean into the hard and trying struggles. Be proud of the brand.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites