The Living Word

“He [Moses] received living oracles to pass on to you…”

(Acts 7:38b)

The law of Moses was considered a living law, and the New Testament is likewise described in Hebrews 4:12.  In what way are the Scriptures “living”?

They are living because they produce life.  Life does not come from non-life; rocks do not produce babies, nor does sand turn into flowers.  The Word of God produces living souls.  It takes us from the death of sin (see Rom 6:23) to born again life (see 1 Pet 1:23).

It is also a living Word because it is given to us for the purpose of living.  It sanctifies our lives (see John 17:17), and it sustains our souls like bread sustains our bodies (see Lk 4:4).  It leads us to the living waters of Jesus and plants us there so that we may grow like a tree planted by the waters (see Psalm 2:1-2, Jhn 5:39).

The Scriptures are unlike the words of men that cannot produce life.  Only God can speak life into existence, and the Bible is His Word for producing life in the souls of men.  Within the Word is contained the power of God for salvation (see Rom 1:16).

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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