“I have sent him back to you in person, that is, sending my very heart…” (Philemon 1:12)
Onesimus was a runaway slave. Paul didn’t know him until he somehow showed up in the city of Rome. Paul and Onesimus started out strangers, and then through some providential chain of fortunate events, the Lord drew Paul the aged together with this young man with a wayward and rebellious spirit.
The gospel connection – it’s real, and it works.
By the time Paul figured out who Onesimus who and who he ran away from, Paul was referring to Onesimus as “my child” and that sending him back to Philemon was “sending my very heart”.
Love can grow if we give our hearts to Jesus. Jesus has a way of opening our hearts to strangers until they become friends. He connects tax collectors (Matthew) and Pharisees (Paul), Jews and Gentiles, and young and old. Onesimus filled a place in Paul’s heart that Paul didn’t even realize was there until Onesimus showed up… and I suspect Paul did the same for Onesimus.
Let the Lord teach you to love – imitate Him in your care for others and let the gospel connection grow the bonds between you.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites