The Conquering Weak

“The Lord said to Gideon, ‘The people who are with you are too many for Me to give Midian into their hands, for Israel would become boastful, saying, ‘My own power has delivered me.’” (Judg. 7:2)

God is not glorified by our strength, but by His strength in our weakness.  If you want to show how powerful God is then you set David against Goliath.  It was the very contrast between the two that emphasized the power of God to conquer.

Christians aren’t meant to bring God our strength, but our frailty.  Gideon’s army had to be diminished before God was ready to use them.  Therefore, there is no shame in trembling as we consider our failings and weaknesses.   Doubting our own abilities is exactly what we, and everyone else for that matter, is supposed to do.

  • God uses imperfect parents to raise godly offspring and imperfect spouses to build righteous marriages.
  • He uses trembling voices to exalt Him in song and tongue-tied speakers to lead beautiful, heartfelt prayers.
  • He uses nervous messengers to share His gospel and simple people to teach His Word.
  • And He uses heartbroken sinners to exalt His grace and forgiveness.

“And He has said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.’ Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.”  (2 Cor 12:9)

Matt. 4:4 #Biblebites

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