Tested & Priceless

“Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone, a costly cornerstone for the foundation firmly placed.  He who believes in it will not be disturbed.” (Isaiah 28:16)

Jesus is the chief cornerstone that Isaiah was speaking about.  This verse is referenced by Paul in Romans 9:33 and 10:11, and it is quoted by Peter in 1 Peter 2:6-8.  It is definitely referring to Jesus, but by returning and reading the entire verse from Isaiah we see two specific details about our Lord.

He is a tested stone, and He is a costly stone.  All good foundations should be tested for structural integrity so that they can withstand whatever pressures the elements will bring upon them.  In the great earthquake that leveled much of Haiti in 2010, one of the most devastating aspects was that many builders had been using substandard concrete in order to save money on construction – when the earthquake happened, all those buildings collapsed; many lives were lost.  Jesus is tested.  He will hold up His church through all the trials and devastations of life.  We need not fear the effects of a pandemic, an immoral culture, an economic reversal, or whatever other wiles of the devil may be thrust upon us.  If we stanchion our feet upon the Rock, we will hold fast under all these trials.

He is also a costly stone.  God sent His Son to save us.  Not a man, not even an angel – He sent His Son.  The church is built upon the being most beloved to the God of heaven.  If we remember that our foundation is more precious than all else, we begin to find confidence in our worth to our Creator and the security of our eternal destination… and nothing need disturb us anymore.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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