“grant that Your bond-servants may speak Your word with all confidence.”
(Acts 4:29b)
Confidence gets our attention. A speaker with confidence is more persuasive. We are more likely to be attracted to someone with confidence, and we are more likely to listen to someone who exudes confidence in their position.
The apostles understood that evangelism required confidence. Mealy-mouthed preaching that vacillated and wavered wouldn’t convince anyone. Words like “might”, “potential”, or “possibly” would not persuade anyone to follow Jesus. We most speak with confidence in the authority of the Scripture. The tomb is empty. Jesus is King. The Scriptures are God’s Word. Baptism in His name does save you and salvation is available in no one else. These are truths that are absolute and must be said as such if we expect to reach the lost. After all if they “might” be lost and we are “likely” saved… there isn’t much “potential” for repentance.
The apostles prayed for confidence. We should, too.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites