“…and spoke in such a manner that a large number of people believed, both of Jews and of Greeks.”
(Acts 14:1b)
Paul and Barnabas taught many people, and the way they spoke mattered. When the text says they “spoke in such a manner”. What manner was it that led to so many people believing?
We know they spoke the truth in love (see Eph 4:15). Love makes all the difference when you are having a hard conversation.
We know they reasoned with people because that was their custom (see Acts 17:2). Reasoning means you use facts and conversation to persuade, not feelings or intimidation to win.
We know they spoke of Jesus (see 1 Cor 1:23). Their goal was not political, nor merely to change behavior… they wanted to point people toward the Savior. No spiritual conversation is complete until Jesus is discussed.
We know they called people to repentance (see Acts 17:30). What good is the academic discussion of Jesus without action? Even the demons believe and shudder (see James 2:19). These men spoke in such a manner that people understood God had an expectation of them.
The great thing is what Paul and Barnabas did, we can do, too. We are free to have the same transformative conversations with people that they did. How great is that?!
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites