Sins Still Sin

“They do not know, nor do they understand, for He has smeared over their eyes so that they cannot see and their hearts so that they cannot comprehend.” (Isaiah 44:18)

Sinning is a lot like using a shovel… eventually, you build up calluses.  The more common idolatry became in Israel, the more calloused to it the people became.  The sin was just as deadly, but they didn’t give it a second thought.  They could no longer see the danger.  Like leaving the road, the further you travel, the harder it is to see your way home.

Just because sin is common, doesn’t make it any less dangerous.  Don’t be lulled into submission by the wiles of the devil.  Sin is still terminal and stings like a viper.  Just because society has embraced pre-marital sex, greed, selfishness, lying, homosexuality, and wanton living doesn’t make any of it okay.

Don’t buy the hype; sin is still sin.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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