“He has risen; He is not here…”
(Mark 16:6)
The most important event in the history of mankind was announced with only seven words. There are many things about Christianity that have been contested, many doctrines people take umbrage with, but the empty tomb remains.
The most powerful evidence of the empty tomb is that those closest to the tomb, and therefore most likely to be skeptical of the resurrection, were the ones to first convert. Christianity spread from Jerusalem within weeks of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. The folks that could have easily investigated the claims of the empty tomb by taking a short stroll outside their own city’s walls instead accepted it as a reality. The spread of Jesus’ gospel came with conviction and force from the epicenter of the resurrection events. Skeptics of the Bible must grapple with the fact that those in the best position to squash His teachings and with a clear reason to do so (Jews didn’t want to accept Jesus as the Messiah) instead accepted and spread the message of Jesus throughout the world.
He has risen – He is not here. Seven words that changed the world.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites