“They only asked us to remember the poor – the very thing I also was eager to do.” (Galatians 2:10)
There have always been financial differences between Christians, and those financial differences can be caused by a number of things – including life events which are uncontrollable. In the first century, Jewish Christians in Israel were, by and large, impoverished in comparison to their Gentile Christian counterparts spread across the Roman Empire. This was due to things like famine, political circumstances, and a myriad of other factors.
One goal for the apostleship was to not ignore the blight of poverty that afflicted Christians. It is easy to turn a blind eye to the needs of other Christians – ironically, one of the benefits of financial success is the ability to remove discomfort, and if we aren’t careful, we can allow ourselves to become immune to the needs of others in our seasons of luxury.
Be eager to remember the poor. Be eager to remember that not all Christians have first-world problems. Many, many of God’s people have third-world problems. Find a way to use what you have to provide what they don’t.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites
Today’s Reading: Galatians 2:1-10
Questions to ask:
- How is Paul feeling as he writes today’s passage? What is his mood?
- What are the central themes in Paul’s preaching and teaching which are being emphasized, or how are the central themes in this epistle being emphasized in today’s reading?
- How does our reading show Paul’s people skills, especially how he handles conflict?
- What in this passage would change the lives of the believer(s) being addressed? How does it make me a better disciple?
- How does this show the “good news” of the gospel? How can I share that with someone else?
This year, #Biblebites are following the life and writings of Paul. If you would like a copy of the reading schedule, you can view it here: https://eastlandchristians.org/news-events/2023-vision