Present and Accounted For

“Now then, we are all here present before God to hear all that you have been commanded by the Lord.”

(Acts 10:33)

How was Cornelius’ household converted?

#1 They were present.  The whole house was there.  They showed up and were ready to learn.  You can’t grow if you don’t show up.  There is no such thing as absentee Christianity.

#2 They were there to hear.  Open ears and open minds are necessary components for the seed to take root.  There is no room for growth in the mind that has already been made up.  Hard hearts need not apply.

#3 They wanted to hear all the commands from the Lord.  Forget opinions; give us the Word and nothing but the Word… and while you’re at it, give us ALL the Word.  Take your time, we’ll wait.  No cherry-picking verses for us.

With those three things, is it any surprise Peter had no trouble teaching Cornelius’ household about Jesus?!

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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