Pray Together

“These all with one mind were continually devoting themselves to prayer…”

(Acts 1:14a)

Prayer is a unifying practice.  It unifies our minds with God as we share with Him our struggles, joys, thanks, and petitions.  It unifies our minds with others when we seek Him as a group and devote ourselves to the common cause of intercession through prayer.  When heads are bowed together, hearts are knit together.  It is a beautiful and sacred thing to share in prayer with one mind.

We ought to do it more often.  When God’s people gather together for the purpose of prayer we do heavenly work by wielding a spiritual weapon.  We put on the shoes of prayerful preparation together (see Eph 6:15) and leave the time of shared petition ready to do more for Him whom we sought together with like minds.

We need to pray more together.  Independent prayer is no replacement for the fellowship of prayerful saints.  The marriage that kneels together by their bed each night is not quickly torn asunder by the devil’s temptations.  The brethren that devote themselves to pray from house to house will find itself of one mind in other things, too.  Prayer binds us to each other as it binds us to Him.  I suspect that churches, families, and marriages that suffer great division do not often pray together as they ought.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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