Open Ears, Clear Heart

“You men who are stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears are always resisting the Holy Spirit, you are doing just as your fathers did.”

(Acts 7:51)

Who can resist God?  Turns out – you can.

The ability to resist God’s will is unique to the human species.  Only we are created in the image of God here on this planet, and our ability to choose (also known as free will) is found only in mankind.

How do we resist God? The answer is two things: heart and ears.

If we refuse to listen to Him (our ears), we resist God’s will because we never learn it.  We remain ignorant because we don’t know what we don’t know, and we never take the time or offer the effort needed to remove our ignorance.  We choose to be dumb and blind to His Word, and God refuses to make us know what we don’t want to.

And if our ears don’t do the resisting, our heart is the second option.  We simply close our hearts to what God says.  If we sit in the pews, hear the sermons, and never let those words touch our hearts, the lessons stay in the church building… which is exactly where the devil wants God’s Word to stay.  Our hearts hear the will of God and deflect it with excuses, procrastination, or apathy.

Only when our ears are open and our hearts are soft can the will of God be heard and applied.  Only when both ears and heart are used does a man stop resisting Him and start being transformed by Him.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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