“For by it [faith] the men of old gained approval.”
(Hebrews 11:2)
Anyone else struggle with the feeling their effort is never good enough? Ask any craftsman, and they will tell you they see all the flaws in their own work. While others fawn over their creations, they see every weak joint, nicked corner, or smudged paint edge. Life is like that, too. Since you are living your life, you see every misstep and stumble – others might think you are sailing along just fine, but you feel every bump. Never good enough.
Which is why Hebrews 11:2 is so important for our souls. Tuck this verse away in your heart. God approves of your faith. He did with the likes of Abraham, Rahab, David, Sampson, and Gideon. Their stumbles didn’t remove God’s approval – a life of faith, no matter how bumpy, is still righteous in the eyes of God. Your effort is good enough. You are good enough… because of Jesus.
So, run with conviction the race set before you, and don’t be dismayed by the smudges of life. Your Father approves of your effort.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites