Maintaining the Testimony

“I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the Word of God and because of the testimony which they had maintained…” (Revelation 6:9)

            A life that confesses Christ and faces persecution for that confession is a worthy sacrifice to God – hence the depiction of the souls as being under the altar in Revelation.  To stand by God and confess Jesus Christ is a sacrifice at times.  For most of us, it will not lead to our death, but it might affect our relationships, our jobs, or our finances.

            Notice how the verse says that they maintained their testimony.  Confessing Christ is not something that is done on occasion or as a singularity – it requires regular, consistent maintenance.  We maintain our faith through the years.  We continue to work at it and grow in it, and past boldness is not a guarantee of future boldness.  We must maintain our course of faith each day.  Our confession of Christ is a living sacrifice renewed every day.

            What will today look like for you?

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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