“Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but happy is he who keeps the law.” (Proverbs 29:18)
A vision and goal are necessary for any serious pursuit. We cannot endure and strive without a clear picture of what it is that we wish to achieve. Life without goals means that we are simply going to let our lusts and passions go unrestrained. Such a life will be filled with wasted time and looked back upon with regrets and shame.
How clear is your vision of heaven? How serious are you about the goal of achieving your eternal reward? Life is short – know what you are going to spend it on.
“So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.” (1 Corinthians 9:26-27)
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites
This Week’s Reading: Ruth 3-4; 1 Samuel 1-9; Psalm 29; Proverbs 29 This year, #Biblebites are looking at lessons from the history of the Old Testament. Each week reads a section of history with a Psalm to meditate on and a dash of Proverbs to dwell upon. If you would like a copy of the reading schedule, you can view it here: https://eastlandchristians.org/news-events/2024-vision