Intellectual Advantage

“Then what advantage has the Jew? Or what is the benefit of circumcision? Great in every respect! First of all, that they were entrusted with the oracles of God.” (Romans 3:1)

            Let us not make the mistake that the Jewish nation made.  They assumed their advantage was that they were better people than others because God had given the law.  Not at all. They were selfish, rude, greedy, unkind, and complainers who wandered from God as much as the rest of mankind.  If anything, the law of Moses made it clearer to them than any other nation how sinful they really were!

            The benefit wasn’t that they were better… but that they knew better.  The knowledge that was entrusted to the Jewish nation gave them an advantage over all other peoples.  They had a written record of God’s ethical standards and promises.  When we know who we ought to be and what we ought to anchor our hope to, we can find peace though we are sinful and in need. 

Christians – never forget that your advantage is not based upon your moral superiority.  The Word of God is a blessing because it highlights our moral inferiority and need for the Great Physician.  It is a great advantage because it tells you where to find Him.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

Today’s Reading: Romans 3:1-8

Questions to ask:

  1. How is Paul feeling as he writes today’s passage? What is his mood?
  2. What are the central themes in Paul’s preaching and teaching which are being emphasized, or how are the central themes in this epistle being emphasized in today’s reading?
  3. How does our reading show Paul’s people skills, especially how he handles conflict?
  4. What in this passage would change the lives of the believer(s) being addressed? How does it make me a better disciple?
  5. How does this show the “good news” of the gospel? How can I share that with someone else?

This year, #Biblebites are following the life and writings of Paul.  If you would like a copy of the reading schedule, you can view it here:

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