Inclined to Help

“Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips. Do not incline my heart to any evil thing…” (Ps 141:3-4)
Becoming the people we wish to be is a process and we are all works in progress. As we grow, we all need help to become the best versions of ourselves. A child holds onto a hand for added support while learning to walk.
The psalmist prays that God will incline his heart toward good and protect his mouth from foolishness as he grows. It is a wise and humble man that recognizes he needs help to avoid temptation and outside strength to grow. Even a seemingly insurmountable character flaw can be repaired with God’s gracious strength.
Want to become a better person? Ask your Creator for help.
“But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’ ” (Matt 19:26)
Matt. 4:4 #Biblebites

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