How Much Should I Give?

“Freely you received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8b)

When Jesus gave authority to His apostles to heal sicknesses, diseases, and cast out demons, He also instructed them in the degree to which they should perform them.

Should they only save these abilities for the very sick? Or should they only be used on those deemed most worthy of healing?  Should they only cast demons out of young people? Would it be all right if they avoided the demon-possessed who were in remote places?

Jesus’ answer is simple: “freely you received, freely give.”  This principle is reiterated in Galatians 6:10 when we are all told to do good “as we have opportunity.”  Our efforts should be focused on whatever opportunities are in front of us.  We should be lavish in our desire to serve and do good to others.

As a point of clarification: this is not permission to be foolish and enable bad behavior through feeding addiction, foolishness, or laziness.  The principles of stewardship still apply.

However, we better make sure that we aren’t confusing stewardship with a desire to just do nothing because helping others is inconvenient.  Jesus has freely given us life and done good to us far beyond what we deserve – we are called to do likewise.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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