“…through Him, everyone who believes is freed from all things, from which you could not be freed through the Law of Moses.”
(Acts 13:39)
The Law of Moses, also known as the first five books of the Old Testament, was a revolutionary legal document. It included divine laws that offered protection to women, showcased the value of immigrants, and enacted regulations to meet the needs of the poor and disenfranchised. As the apostle Paul said, the Law is “holy and righteous and good”.
So, with such a perfect law… why would we need the New Testament? Why would we need Jesus if God had already given Moses such a great law?
The answer is sin. The law of Moses was holy, but we aren’t. It is full of righteous commands, and we fail to follow them. Its goodness highlighted our wickedness. The Law of Moses shackled everyone as criminals.
Shame, guilt, and worthlessness are the consequences of examining our lives closely. Everything that we accuse others of, hate in society, and despise as selfish can be found in our own lives with even a casual level of introspection. We are slaves to sin, and it is a cruel master that taunts us every day.
And then Jesus came. He brought hope through forgiveness, freedom through His sacrifice, and a path to acceptance by God. Jesus sets us free from our guilt and restores our worth. In Him, we are freed from what law alone never could.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites