“For when the priesthood is changed, of necessity there takes place a change of law also.”
(Hebrews 7:12)
If you change the rules, by definition, you change the law. The Old Testament rules were that high priests could only come from the tribe of Levi and the line of Aaron. Read Matthew chapter one. Jesus is not a Levite and bears no connection to Aaron. So, since Jesus became our High Priest, we know we are under a different law.
That detail is important for us today in two ways:
- You are not bound by any of the Old Testament laws. We are New Testament Christians, not Old Testament Jews. This is an important detail that the early Christians spent quite a lot of time confirming. Read Acts 15 and you will see the debate over how you can’t bind even one Old Testament law upon New Testament Christians. Be it Sabbath or circumcision, if it isn’t mentioned in the New Testament, it isn’t required.
- If we expect to enjoy the blessings of the New Testament law, the law of liberty, grace, and mercy… then we better not attempt to change the rules. We must take seriously the statutes and commandments of the Scriptures if we expect to enjoy the blessings of forgiveness and salvation that they offer. If it isn’t in the New Testament, we ought to discard it. If it is in the New Testament, we best preserve it.
His rules, His law, His plan of salvation.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites