Here to Help

“For assuredly, He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the descendants of Abraham.”

(Hebrews 2:16)

I am hard pressed to find a more encouraging verse in all of Hebrews.  The Lord helps us, not angels… us.

Help is the act of making someone else’s life easier through your own effort and resources.  The literal phrase here in Hebrews is “to take upon or seize”.  Jesus has seized upon our plight and extended His efforts and resources to our aid.  His suffering has made ours easier and His pains have paved the path for our renewal.

Perhaps, you are feeling that life is too difficult and the path God would have you live and the burdens you must carry are too heavy to bear.  The knot of our past can be untangled with help from the King, and He bears our loads and places an easier yoke upon our shoulders.

If the command seems too hard or the road too steep – don’t worry.  He’s here to help.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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