Good Preaching

“They read from the book, from the law of God, translating to give the sense so that they understood the reading.”

Nehemiah 8:8

Nehemiah 8:8 reminds us of what good preaching looks like.

Good preachers illuminate the Scripture so that we might better see God.
Bad preachers put the spotlight on themselves so that we might see them.

Good preaching makes the Scriptures easier to understand.
Bad preaching makes you think that only those with doctorates in theology can comprehend the Bible.

The world is full of bad preaching that leads people to follow the teachings and traditions of men, while keeping them ignorant of the Word of God.  This type of preaching elevates the speaker by confusing the listener into believing they cannot understand God’s Word without the man in the pulpit.  This simply is not true.  God intended for His Word to be read and appreciated by all men, not just the religious elite.

God has a desire for all men to be saved, and it is the gospel that He uses to save us (see Romans 1:16).  Does it not make sense then that all should be capable of understanding the gospel?

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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