“For He said, “Surely, they are My people, sons who will not deal falsely.” So He became their Savior.” (Isaiah 63:8)
You do not need to be flawless to be a Christian, far from it. Perfection is found in Jesus, and we pursue Him because He is what we are not. Perfection is not a prerequisite for salvation, otherwise repentance wouldn’t make sense. The flawless man needs not repent of anything, only the broken are in need of a change of course.
But the Lord does require us to be honest dealers. We cannot lie or cheat or deceive our way into the ranks of Christ’s army. Citizenship in heaven belongs only to the genuine sinner who recognizes his flaws and owns his failings.
There is nothing wrong with stumbling. The unbearable thing in the eyes of God is the man that sins and then says he did no wrong. The man that professes righteousness while being as sinful as the rest of us. Pride is such a terrible thing. Pride separates us from Jesus our Savior because it forces us to pretend we do not need Him.
God can work with the honest sinner, but the man full of arrogance deceives himself.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites