For the Sake of Suffering

“Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered.”

(Hebrews 5:8)

I will not pretend to speak deeply about how the perfect Son of God could learn obedience; such a theological endeavor is beyond my abilities, and I will not attempt it here.  I simply wish for us to recognize that He did learn obedience.  There is a sense in which Jesus gained something He previously did not have until after He was required by time and circumstance to humble Himself in obedience through suffering.

If this is true (and the Scriptures do not lie), how dare we revile suffering as some putrid thing that ought to be avoided at all cost?  If the benefit of pain is a knowledge that even the Son of God benefitted from (in what way, I know not how), then such knowledge should be considered more precious than all the teachings of all the ancient tomes combined!

Let us embrace the discomfort of obedient suffering, not for the sake of the suffering, but for the sake of what it is guaranteed to teach us.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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