“You shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power…”
(Mark 14:62a)
There are many names for God in the Bible. Jehovah, Father, Lord, and Ancient of Days, just to name a few. The Old Testament uses hundreds of such monikers to describe God in ways that help us to appreciate the totality of His character and being. Hagar calls Him ‘the God that sees me’ in Genesis 16:13 and emphasizes His compassion care for the downtrodden. In Genesis 17:1, God calls Himself ‘El-Shaddai’ or ‘God Almighty’ emphasizing His complete and total authority.
In Mark 14:62, Jesus uses one word to refer to His Father – ‘Power’ Right now, Jesus sits at the right hand of Power. The Greek word for power is ‘dynamis’ and it is where we get the English word ‘dynamite’ from. It is power that comes from the inside. When I man drives a bulldozer, he has a lot of power, but that power comes from outside of him; take away the dozer and he is no stronger than any other. Not so with God. His power comes from within Him and you can no more remove His power than you could wash the spots off of a leopard.
Someday we will meet Power face-to-face and we will appreciate His dynamite fully. Until then, we would all do well to meditate on His power as we see it in His creation here on earth. The rivers that flood, the storms that rage, and every crashing wave are but manifestations of His mighty hand. A God with that sort of power ought to be respected.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites