Don’t Forget Step 3

“And when King Hezekiah heard it, he tore his clothes, covered himself with sackcloth and entered the house of the LORD.” (Isaiah 37:1)

Hezekiah’s response to the threat of the Assyrian army was threefold.

Initial horror (he tore his clothes).  Bad news is hard to hear no matter what.  Don’t feel bad that bad things make you feel bad – it is part of humanity.

Mourning and humility (he put on sackcloth).  The honest man recognizes some problems are too big for him to handle on his own.  Realizing how small we are is part of maturing.  Hezekiah was surrounded by an army too big for him.  That is also part of life sometimes.

He turned to God (entered the house of the LORD).  This third step is the one we often skip.  Feel sad, realize you are weak and vulnerable, and then lean on God.  Pray to Him.  Follow Him in faith and lay out your problems before the great I AM.  Don’t get stuck in the grief and terror stage – transcend it by turning to the One who is bigger than our problems.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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