Don’t Fear the Grass

“Who are you that you are afraid of man who dies and of the son of man who is made like grass, that you have forgotten the LORD your Maker…” (Isaiah 51:12-13a)

What does it say when a society has come to so greatly fear the criticism of their equals that truth is silenced before it is spoken?

Be bold, be Christ-like.  Speak truth and show partiality to God alone.  If we will not speak truth, then we have become salt that is without saltiness worthy only to be tossed out (see Matt. 5:13)

What good are priests who will not glorify their Maker or speak of His excellencies (see 1 Peter 2:9)?

We are all equals.  We live, we die, and we all struggle with the same fears and temptations.  Walk a day in your enemy’s shoes and you will find that he had to lace them up every morning, just like the rest of us.  Don’t fear the grass.  Remember the LORD your Maker and speak.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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