Don’t Be a Drifter

“For this reason we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.”

(Hebrews 2:1)

Drifting is the act of slowly being carried off.  When a boat drifts away from the dock, it does so at an almost imperceptible speed.  When a leaf floats on the wind, the current lazily carries it to the ground in a graceful fall.  Drifting is calm and subtle, and that’s why spiritual drift is so dangerous. Like a tired commuter, the car gently glides into the wrong lane of traffic, and everything is peaceful until it isn’t.

The problem with life is that if you don’t pay attention to your soul, you’ll start to drift where you don’t want to go.  Drift is the slow killer of Christians and the anesthesia of the lost.  It doesn’t feel bad, but they call them snow drifts for a reason: y’all end up piled together with the crowd by default.

You won’t drift into the narrow path of salvation.  It takes diligence, attention, and active engagement in your spiritual life to grow in Christ.  Heaven doesn’t happen by accident.  You must choose to hear, choose to pay attention, and own your spiritual growth.  Don’t be a drifter.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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