Compete to Win

“Run in such a way that you may win.” (1 Corinthians 9:24b)

            Our love for competition is obvious.  Professional sports is a multi-billion dollar industry.  We play video games, board games, and mind games with each other!  Humans are hardwired to compete to win.  Why?

            Because life is a race, and God wants you to live it to win.  It is an endurance race that requires resolve of spirit and an understanding of the rules.  We must know how to serve God, and then we must throw ourselves into the task of faithfulness.

            Be competitive with your life.  Strive for the goal.  Get up, get after it, and make this day a step closer to heaven.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

Today’s Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:20-27

Questions to ask:

  1. How is Paul feeling as he writes today’s passage? What is his mood?
  2. What are the central themes in Paul’s preaching and teaching which are being emphasized, or how are the central themes in this epistle being emphasized in today’s reading?
  3. How does our reading show Paul’s people skills, especially how he handles conflict?
  4. What in this passage would change the lives of the believer(s) being addressed? How does it make me a better disciple?
  5. How does this show the “good news” of the gospel? How can I share that with someone else?

This year, #Biblebites are following the life and writings of Paul.  If you would like a copy of the reading schedule, you can view it here:

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