“So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy.” (Romans 9:16)
This verse when wrestled from its context has let to all sorts of troublesome doctrines leading men to believe that our personal conduct has no bearing on our salvation and that God has simply chosen who He will and will not save without regard to their obedience or will. There are numerous passages which clearly teach the opposite of this nefarious doctrine, and I need not cite them all here – suffice it to say, the very existence of the Bible as God’s instructions to mankind disproves the doctrine. Why instruct if our choices don’t matter?
However, Romans 9 is the conclusion to an entirely different matter. Paul is explaining that God’s plan for the salvation of mankind came about through the counsel of God’s will and not any human’s. God chose Jacob to be the progenitor of the nation of Israel, not Esau, before either boy had done good or bad. God used wicked men like Pharaoh to further His plans even as Pharaoh hated God.
The promises and path to Jesus were created solely because God wanted to and without the help or guidance of any human mind. Salvation in Jesus is God’s plan, not ours. You may decide whether or not to follow Jesus, but Jesus is King because of the will of God, and God’s will stands. The plan is for us, but it is from Him.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites