The Right Question

“Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”

(Acts 16:30)

I love the way the Philippian jailer spoke this sentence.

“Sirs” – he showed respect and humility.  He recognized that Paul and Silas knew something he did not and spoke with deference.

“what must I do” –When we realize what Jesus has done for us and what a magnificent price He already paid for our sins… this is the only question that is left.  He has done all that I cannot; what is left for me to do?

“to be saved” – The jailer recognized what was at stake.  He recognized the totality of his danger.  He needed more than just help or assistance.  He needed salvation.  Until we appreciate all is lost without Jesus, we will not turn our all to Him.  It is saved and lost that is in the balance.  Heaven and hell are the only options.  There is no in-between.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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