The Recipe for Change

“Therefore repent of this wickedness of yours and pray the Lord that, if possible, the intention of your heart may be forgiven you.”

(Acts 8:22)

When Peter rebuked Simon the magician, he told him that it wasn’t just his behavior that needed to change; it was his heart.  He gave Simon a three-fold recipe for change:

1. Repent of the behavior – start with the action and work backwards.  Agree that it was wrong and makes steps to change your routine or lifestyle accordingly.

2. Pray to God for forgiveness – understand that you can’t do this without God.  Change and forgiveness need Him.

3. Address the intention of the heart – ask yourself why you got caught up in that sin in the first place.  What led to the wicked behavior?  What need or desire are you trying to fill?  Is there a righteous way to address the need instead?

That’s the recipe.  Start with your hands.  Turn to Him in heaven.  Examine your heart.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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