The KingMaker

“It is He who changes the times and the epochs; He removes kings and establishes kings; He gives wisdom to wise men and knowledge to men of understanding.”

(Daniel 2:21)

What if you didn’t have to watch the news to feel comfortable with world events?  Daniel learned the secret to success in a world that culturally, politically, and spiritually was failing at every level.  Daniel could swim with the sharks of Babylon without fear because he knew who the real kingmaker was.

God puts people in power and He takes them out of power when and how He wishes.  Daniel served faithfully as an advisor to Babylon and Persia.  He was respected and adored by multiple kings and outlasted them, too.  Daniel is the man who stood for God when the whole world seemly filled with darkness.

If you feel like you the news screams, “Babylon!”, then let us be Daniel’s in the midst of lions.  He knew who was really in charge and live a long life of service of the true King.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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