“When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful.” (Matthew 28:17)
The doubt of the early disciples of Christ should bring us confidence. If those who saw the resurrection, witnessed with their own eyes the risen King, and worshipped at His feet struggled with overcoming fear and a lack of conviction, we should expect a similar journey for ourselves.
An unwavering certainty in our Lord is the lifelong goal of faith, but it is not the starting point. Questions, struggles of the heart, trials in life, and the quiet whisperings of an irreligious culture attempt to thwart our commitment to the path of Jesus. Be not dismayed by the turmoil, but embrace the journey of finding your identity in Jesus.
Worship Him where you are with the understanding that you are walking in the Light and toward it, too.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites