Speak For Their Welfare

“[Mordecai] sought the good of his people and one who spoke for the welfare of his whole nation.”

(Esther 10:3b)

Mordecai was a godly leader because he thought about the welfare of others.  The best leaders are servants at heart.  Mordecai spoke for the whole nation and not just his buddies.  In a time when we see political cronyism and corruption as the standard practice, Mordecai is a good reminder that it doesn’t have to be that way.

Good leaders think about others.  If you want to lead, and every Christian should in some capacity, then cultivate empathy and a listening ear.  Learn to put yourself in other people’s shoes, listen to their hurt (and their joy), and seek what is best for the whole even if it means more work for you.

Good leaders think BIG and have BIG hearts.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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