Shocking News!

“Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days you would not believe if you were told.” (Habakkuk 1:5)

We live in interesting times.  It seems the news is filled with surprises every day.  What do we do when the shocking news is so common we stop being shocked?

Habakkuk reminds us that when God is in control (and when isn’t He?!), the crazy things aren’t the end, they are just being woven together into His great plan.  When Habakkuk was warned that Babylon was going to invade he thought it was awful – but it led to a spiritual revival for the next generation!

It wasn’t that God had a bad plan, it was that Habakkuk couldn’t imagine how it would work out.  Ever feel that way?  God works things together all the time that seem hopeless and chaotic.  It isn’t that He doesn’t have a plan – it’s that we lack the imagination to see it.

That’s why we call it walking by faith.  We are almost at the end of 2020, and who knows what 2021 will bring?  I don’t. You don’t.  God does!

So whatever the news pundits say – look, observe, and be astonished.  It might just be that God is doing something in our days we wouldn’t believe if He told us.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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