“Go; behold, I send you out as lambs in the midst of wolves.” (Luke 10:3)
This verse sounds like a terrible idea. Lambs versus wolves? That never ends well for the lamb! Why would Jesus do that? Why would He compare evangelism to the idea of sending sheep out amongst ferocious predators?
Perhaps He used the analogy because that is exactly what sharing the message of Jesus is like – we are entering hostile territory, and we aren’t allowed to be hostile back. The fear of persecution, verbal assault, and personal loss is a very real deterrent for all of us.
However, the sheep must remember they aren’t alone amongst the wolves. The Shepherd is with us, just as the Shepherd was with the apostles. His rod and staff comfort us and protect us from the hungry wolves and predators. We are lambs, but He is the wolf-slayer.
Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites