See Something, Say Something

“For if you remain silent at this time…”

(Esther 4:14a)

When Mordecai saw the dangers that were approaching the people of God, he warned Esther that she had a responsibility to say something.  Doing nothing wasn’t an option.  Turns out silence isn’t always golden.  In turbulent times, the better saying is, “See something, say something.”

Christians ought to take Mordecai’s advice, too.  We can’t afford to be quiet when evil is on the prowl.  As Satan prowls about like a roaring lion, we have a responsibility to be watchman on the alert to heed the warning against his wily deceptions.

The world has enough preachers and so-called people of faith that will itch the ears of society and tell them what they want to hear and remain silent on the weightier matters of life.  What is needed now, more than ever, are people that will stand by truth and proclaim it boldly from the rooftops even when truth is unpopular.

A silent Christian is exactly what the devil likes best… he likes salt without flavor and lights that stay under their baskets.  As long as we keep our faith to ourselves, he can run amok and devour as many as he wants.

See something, say something.  See people, say something to them.  Souls are on the line.  Tell them about Jesus.

Matthew 4:4 #Biblebites

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