Reverence is a Priority

“And the people showed reverence for the LORD.”

(Haggai 1:12b)

How do we show reverence to God?  The Israelites showed it through their priorities.  God asked them to build His temple before their own homes – a big ask considering they were a poor people in a harsh land.

At first, they made excuses:

“We’ll build it, but not right now.”

“The timing isn’t right, and we need to take care of our family first.”

“God wouldn’t expect us to do the impossible, and that’s what this is.”

But one day, they figured it out and that’s when everything changed.  God first, everything else second.  That’s what reverence looks like.

What we choose first is what gets our reverence.  Priorities = reverence.

“But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

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