“Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and stay there; behold, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.” (1 Kings 17:9)
God told Elijah that He had commanded a widow to provide for his needs… but as we read through the account – the widow doesn’t seem to no anything about this arrangement when Elijah shows up. So, in what way was she commanded?
In Luke 4:24-26, Jesus will use this widow as an example of faith because she had the kind of heart that would accept God’s people. It turns out that God had not explicitly commanded her, but that her character was one of obedient faith. This widow’s faith leads her to house Elijah and bless her household through the miraculous care of God during the famine.
When good people position themselves to serve the Lord with courage and faith – they can be used in incredible ways.
“Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.” (2 Timothy 2:21)
Matt 4:4 #Biblebites